Monday, June 6, 2011


One of my current concerns as an ex-university student and a teacher is the fact that some Moroccan university teachers and high school ones are crazy about giving presentations, attributing this to their ICT competencies and to their professional development. This willingness is great, of course. But, as a listener to these presentations, I do not like it when I feel that the presenter is presenting something for the sake of presenting it with ICT. Back to my university days, we had a teacher who always delivered his lessons by using Data Show. And there were days when this gadget broke down several times. The only thing he did was to send us out until the next session. He did so many times, which ensured me that he had to use ICT, not to facilitate the task, but to make up for his low education level. That he read what he presented word by word is living proof he had nothing to offer us in the first place. I would have excused him for sure if he had done that as a way of improving his presentational skills. I very well know that there are some readers here who hate it when I write critically of teachers, for they deem their position as noble. As a listener to the presentations, I am so sensitive to pronunciation and stress. One of my 'defects' is that I pay attention more to how the presenter pronounces all words and to what word he stresses primarily and secondarily than to the issues raised in the presentations. Some may say that the aim behind any presentation is to impart ideas, not to show pronunciation and stress. I would say that the latter are an attribute of a competent teacher and presenter. Ideas are everywhere.

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