Monday, June 6, 2011


When I look back on my previous experiences with different sorts of people, I have come to the conclusion that not to have a certain degree and deserve it is much better than to have a degree and not deserve it. At first sight, you might find this contradictory. But, I am talking about how shameful some holders of a certain position feel inside when they have a degree which they do not deserve. It is so hard for them to approve of themselves. And it is only society which approves of them. As you know, society is infested with numerous defects and therefore it is never to be trusted. Mohamed Erraji, a Moroccan blogger and writer, has got a primary school degree. But he deserves all university degrees simply because holders of the latter can not write what he writes, can not produce in the language they major in as he can, can not play with the Arabic language as he can, and can not write on the thorny issues as he can. With respect to Ph.D and M.A. holders, I have had the chance to know a lot about them through the teacher trainers who correct their exam papers. One teacher trainer once told me that the majority of their essays are awkward and full of mistakes of different sorts from all sides. The fact that they resorted to cheating is living proof that their mastery of the subject matter is so low. By the way, I am not addressing exceptions here as my topic does not concern them for the moment. It is a real pity that our society trusts degrees. I am for degrees, but I turn to be against them the moment their holders resort to cheating. Resorting to cheating and not answering well are a sign that they do not deserve the degrees they hold. That a Ph.D holder in Arabic literature still writes an essay full of mistakes is unforgivable, particularly at a time when Mohamed Erraji, a dropout, writes as excellent writers do. All these contradictions, among many others, do not matter to me. What really matters to me and maybe to you too is that those who deserve and not have are much better than those who have and not deserve.

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