Saturday, June 4, 2011

20 February Movement

No matter whatever I have heard about the 20 February movement activists, I still side with them and add my shrill voice to theirs. No matter how childish or mature they might be, I still side with them because when I read about their demands, I find that they concern me too. The moment I am convinced that talks and words do not work anymore, I can not accuse 20 February movements of any way they resort to in order to protest. If some have described them as puerile and childish, I would bow in respect for any child who is ready to take to the street to claim my basic rights. If some have described them as too hasty, I, however, have consideration for them the minute I am convinced that solving things slowly has added nothing to the lives of the grassroots. If they take to the street day in and day out, I can not blame them, for reforms have been too late. If some have criticized their way of demonstration, I would write in response that even the most brutal and inhumane means have brought real democracy to many developed countries.

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