Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Current Dream

Every day, I sit and read. And whenever I read a lot, I feel an insatiable desire to write. And whenever I write a lot, I start to dream dreams that are far from coming true. One of the dreams is that I aspire to sit for all the tests that will eventually entitle me to obtain my B.A. in just a period of a few days. As long as our ministry of education strongly believes in papers, I have to get this paper at all costs. I am still a DUEG holder. And this pains me every single day. To get rid of this pain, I resort to writing on any topic that comes to my mind. It is a real pity that the current educational system has not lived up to my expectations. As a university student, I expected a lot from it. Now, I expect less and I have even gone on to distrust any paper launched by the ministry. Anyway, my current dream is to become a B.A. holder overnight, not necessarily in a year. And this is the dream that is far from coming true.

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