Friday, October 21, 2011

The Regional Movement

I burst into laughter today as I was reading the ministerial note recently launched about the 'regional movement' of the teaching staff. The word ' transparency' is what made some of my wrinkles form in scorn and contempt. Transparency is not a favor to be done to or to be bestowed on the teaching staff so that it can be talked over in these notes. Rather, it needs to be applied, not talked over. We already know that some ghosts always break the rule of transparency. The ministerial note touches on transparency as though it were something commonplace. That is simply why they focus on it in these notes. Instead of penalizing those who have broken its rule many years now, those in charge state that it must not be broken at all costs. They preach, but they don't practise. Frankly, this reminds me of a grammar teacher telling his students that he doesn't make grammar mistakes, a writing teacher telling his pupils that he doesn't write badly or a judge telling the accused that he doesn't do his convicts an injustice .These teachers and the judge aren't supposed to tell their students they don't have these defects simply because they are not expected to have them. So, why should they tell their students and convicts these things? The same thing applies to transparency on the part of those in charge of the 'regional movement

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