Friday, October 21, 2011

I am Fond of ELT, Though.

I must admit that I am fond of ELT; it is normal, for as a teacher, I usually need to improve my teaching skills. However, this doesn't in the least mean that I should spend my quality time on reading about the latest teaching methods and approaches. I have tried reading all these things, and they have been good to me in class, but only recently have I discovered that I have wasted much time on nothing. Now, I have started on production, not consumption. Like George Bernard Shaw, I believe that those, who can, really do, and those who, can not, really resort to teaching. Why should I read about all the approaches to teaching vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation? Suppose I did? So what, then? Knowing how to put into practice one or two would suffice for me. The same, for me, applies to all other language aspects, be they spoken or written. For instance, a poetry teacher doesn't necessarily write good poetry no matter how great his or her teaching skills are. I may agree with those who are studying ELT day in and day out only if they intend to become an authority on the field one day. Personally, I would rather be a master user of English than a master teacher of the same language. Be careful! There is a marked difference between a master user and a master teacher. Both are great. But, for me, the former is more victorious than the latter.

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