Friday, October 21, 2011

The Leaflet

One day, by coincidence, I came across a leaflet stuck on the wall next to the Culture Complex in Agadir that said that a university student was going to deliver a presentation about the importance of competences on the part of middle school students. It was the name of the presenter that attracted my attention and made me stop to peruse the leaflet. His name instantly brought me back to my high school days when he was my classmate for five years. We used to sit at the same table, and we immensely enjoyed our company. However, the thing that enraged me was the topic he was going to present. This friend of mine used to be an inveterate cheater at high school, and during exams, he used to catch glimpses of my own exam paper for answers. He was a real nuisance to me; he used to do all his utmost to get an above-average mark by asking me for answers to the questions. Frankly, I did not attend his presentation though he himself invited me to. I wish his topic would instead be how to combat cheating on the part of middle school students. If he had chosen this topic, I would have undoubtedly attended it.

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