Wednesday, May 19, 2010

To Helen Keller

Because of you, I curiously sat down to read
To find where your brave deeds would ultimately lead;
But when I heard you could see the unseen,
I that instant saw the blind, the dumb and the deaf running after the queen;
Your childish spirits unrivalled
Your throng they marvelled;
Here, you made what used to be impossible at last possible
The lame's feet no longer hobble;
Rather, they outshine those of the well-built
Your deeds I have long longed to emulate up to the hilt;
From now on, self-pity is to blame
Especially when countless people share you the same
Oh, every time I am reminded of your name,
I hang my head in shame
For I did not follow the same path to your fame;
Who could have imagined
You would one day overcome the three disabilities?
Let me please hold my head in reverence
And therefore see the other side of the fence;
The latter you never dared to explore in your lifetime;
Here lied her secret;
But I promise I will always remember this epitome every time I hear a bell chime.

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